Aircraft Changes & Additions

Changes and additions may take up to 5 business days to process.
Please submit your request using the aircraft request form.

Web Browser Configuration Requirements

  • Cookies must be enabled.
  • JavaScript must be enabled.
  • Read/Write access to localStorage.
  • Read/Write access to sessionStorage.
  • Support CustomEvent.

Navigating Web Pages via Keyboard

  • To move through the web site press the Tab key to go forward, and Shift + Tab to go to the previous element.
  • To select a link, press the Space bar.
  • To close a dialog box press Enter
  • To select items in Find Aircraft press Enter
  • To move up or down items in search results or ramplist press  ↑  or  ↓  keys.
  • To display position information of a highlighted Aircraft press Enter
  • To select radiobutton map types press  ←  or  →  keys.
  • To select map overlay checkboxs press Space bar.

Inaccessible Map Functions via Keyboard

  • Panning and zooming the map via keyboard isn't available.
  • Selecting weather stations isn't available. The information is provided by
  • Selecting Temporary Flight Restrictions isn't available. This information is available at the FAA's web site.
  • Selecting Active Landing Facilities isn't available.
  • Getting the elevation of a location on the map via keyboard isn't available.
  • Dragging a rectangle search box to select aircraft isn't available.
  • Changing latitude and longitude format isn't available.
  • Interacting with aircraft icons and associated dialogs isn't available.

AFF Google Earth KML

AFF is not available in Google Earth at this time. We are in the process of rebuilding it and don't have a projected time for when the .kml will be back up. Please check back at a later time.

Help Desk

7:30am - 5:00pm MT

Please include a description of the problem you're having,
the web browser you're using,
and when the problem occured.

In the event of an AFF outage only, please call the Help Desk any time of day or night (24x7x365).
Tel: 1-866-224-7677
Outside the US: 1-616-323-1667